NEOS will propose connecting to one's own spiritual intelligence leading to emotional balance and wisdom.
Extremely important, spiritual intelligence finds answers and solutions to all our problems.
Let's use spiritual intelligence to understand health and healing for ourselves and our loved ones!
Introduce dear friends as often as possible into your home speaker the synergistic mix of SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE when you are confronted with various ailments that appear "overnight", for unknown reasons, with strange, unfamiliar conditions !!!!
The SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE synergistic blend balances the energy centres, opens the heart chakra, removes negative thoughts, ignites the divine spark of our self by powerfully activating the inner healing force of the body.
SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE is applied by diffusion, direct application of 4-5 drops on the soles of the feet, cervical area, behind the ears, heart area, temples!
It is extremely effective to drip 2-4 drops in the warm bath in the evening.
The synergistic blend SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE is based on pure essential oils with the highest vibrations of black spruce, cedar, pine, ylang ylang, angelica, juniper, a few drops of BALANCE & REASON, MIND & SPIRIT.